Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Final Self-Reflection

Through creating this project, I have gained greater respect towards the bearded dragon species. It made me look at all aspects of these animals and helped me better understand just how great they are as pets. These animals are docile creatures that are ideal for any family looking for a small animal- exotic or not. This project taught me that bad breeders are everywhere and supply the pet trade with all types of creatures. The effects these breeders have on the pet trade are saddening. They supply excited new owners with unhealthy or unhappy beardies, they take away from the breeders who actually care for and about the species and they make money through these inhumane practices. I have learned that licensing and regulating through laws does not stop these poor breeders from continuing and education seems to be the best option. I have also learned to look at all aspects of these animals, not just its physical characteristics, needs and overall temperament as one would do when first looking to buy a pet. An example of learning much more through analyzing different aspects of the species was when I studied their part in the movie “Holes.” Although they were depicted as lethal, scary, made up creatures in the movie, I was easily able to tell in the scene that they liked human attention and were extremely easy going regardless of everything going on around them- whether it was the multiple other bearded dragons piled up around them, the unfamiliar actors filming with them, or the camera crew and film set filming them.
Throughout the course I have gained knowledge and a better respect for the human-animal bond. I have seen many different relationships that can be created and how they can be strengthened or destroyed. This project has helped me understand that there are many aspects to a species, and in order to create or strengthen a bond with them, you must educate yourself on the other species in order to understand and better connect with them. I am certainly better connected with the bearded dragon species now through the education aspect of this project.

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