Thursday, December 12, 2013

My Moral Vision Statement

My personal philosophy to creating an ethical, humane, and sustainable world for both humans and nonhuman animals is that humans need to follow the “Golden Rule”- one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. As proved by scientists around the world, nonhuman animals have intelligence and emotions, so why can humans treat them any differently than they treat others of their own species? In no way am I talking about animal rights, and even if I were to wish for that goal, it would be very unrealistic. The human population could not be sustainable without meat and other animal produce, although slaughter houses are where a lot of the immoral and unethical actions come from. If we are using another species for our benefit, we must respect and treat that species well. The same goes for nonhuman animals used in research. We do not just haphazardly slice open humans when they choose to donate organs or blood. Doctors are careful because the human is donating for the good of another person. Slaughter house workers needs to act the same way. On the other hand, we want other species’ populations to be sustainable too. Many species have become extinct or endangered due to immoral judgment and actions by humans for over hundreds of years. Man must treat all animals with kindness and respect, and he must also want to treat them this way. When this has been accomplished, the world will be sustainable, moral, and ethical for all species living on this earth.

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